Monday, April 2, 2007

Nothing is happening

I have been dieting and exercising for 3 weeks now and I have not lost one pound. At first I thought I might be pregnant. At least that would explain the total lack of anything happening. But fortunately I am not pregnant so it must be something else. This week I am going to try another experiment. I am going to drop all alcoholic beverages and bread and see what happens. If nothing works this week, next week I am going vegetarian to see what will happen then.


Mr. Cavin said...

No no no. Come here and visit and eat a lot of food. Then don't do any of the stuff you said up there.

I had this conversation over and over again with my honey in her weeks of pre-wedding dieting. Isn't the goal your shape? (And health?) It seems to me that measuring and tracking your weight has nothing to do with this. For instance: you are dieting and exercising. While this is a great way to cut down on calories and work away fat, it is also a great way to build new muscle. New muscle weighs more than the old fat did (plus it comes in a handy "lifting" layer beneath the remaining fat, making you, in the first months of the new routine, feel like you are even larger than you once were).

So please don't freak-out over your scales, young woman. It doesn't matter if you weigh four tons, as long you look how you want and you are healthy. Try using a tape measure to track changes instead, but wait another month. Certainly let your body adjust to your new diet without confusing it with variations.

Mr. Cavin said...

Ha. My "comment" is more of a "letter" isn't it?

Bronwen said...

I love you Mr Cavin!

kymmie said...

what mr. cavin said...

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