Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I love my Bike

Okay, I hear what you all are saying and it is comforting. Measure inches not weight (I have gained a pound. It must be the incredibly buff arms that I am getting), exercise and eat right, don’t starve yourself, etc…Thanks all. It really does make a difference to get a little support!

Here is some good news. I finally got my bike put back together. About 5-6 years ago Chumbley ate it. He ate one pedal, the seat, one of the breaks, and gnawed on the tires. It has taken me this long to replace all the chewed up pieces and give the whole thing a bit of an overhaul. It is a great mountain bike. A 15 speed and it rides well on roads too. Finally, this morning I took it out again for a workout ride. I drove all the way down Spring Garden Street, riding in that very scary bicycle lane until I hit downtown; sped around the roundabout in front of Mcouls and headed back home. Then I cooled down by circling Lindley Park. It is amazing how many people are out and about at 5:30 in the morning.

I did a total of about 7 miles in 45 minutes. (I stopped twice to drink water. I need to get one of those fancy bike water bottles and holders. That is the next upgrade!) Although I am sitting here feeling each muscle twitch and seize up, it was good exercise and I hope to do it again tomorrow.

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