Thursday, June 7, 2007

I fit in my pants!

Today is a good day. I tried on this pair of pants that I had bought right after the baby was born when I hadn’t realized yet the extent to which my post-baby body had changed from my pre-baby body, and they fit. They hadn’t fit ever! They still had the tags on them. This of course got me excited so I put on my snazzy heels and a bright shiny necklace and went to work. Now I am falling asleep at my desk, as usual, and counting down the minutes until I can get back home and go on my bike ride.

Five pounds down, 25 left to go!


JRap said...

You ROCK! That is a glorious feeling isn't it? Have fun looking snazzy today!

Hopie said...

Before visiting my sisters here in Seattle, I had lost 36 sticks of butter using Weight Watchers and excruciating self-control! I feel your pain, but rejoice that you goal is so much less than mine...I only have 65 pounds...that's 280 sticks of go. I have to admit, however, that I already feel better and am planning a mega shopping trip when I hit my next leve goal! I have a wedding in October to go to, and I want to look snazzy! Love, Aunt Hope

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